East Forged

A tea company with two women founders were keen to explore augmented reality to engage with existing customers and find new followers on social media. The founders met by chance at Melbourne's International Coffee Expo in 2017 which turned into an alliance over a shared passion, iced tea. Later they would discover an innovation: to use traditional beer-making processes to add a unique mouthfeel and finish to their product.

Voyant Augmented Reality collaborated with East Forged Tea to create a social media augmented reality filter for Instagram that would showcase their product’s unique characteristic of pouring foam for a non-alcoholic cold brew to suit adult tastes.

After a process of storyboarding, mockups and consultation, a 3D model of East Forged’s custom can design was created and imported into Spark AR Studio. Animations simulated the unique “shake and pour” action as well as company mascot Mico.


Asylum Seeker


Location AR Messaging